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A Crocodile for His Sweetheart
Jacek Pulikowski
The title “A Crocodile for His Sweetheart”, is symbolic of what a man in love is capable of doing for his chosen one. It takes a great deal of effort for both the man and woman to build a strong and loving family. This time the author is directing his message to women, especially young women, so that they can help their men grow. With their feminine charm and sensitivity to beauty and good they can help their guys become men so that they may reach the fullest potential of their masculine dignity.
ks. Andrzej Woch (2013-12-21)
Bieniów, Białowice, Biedrzychowice, Dąbrowiec, Włostów
Bieniów 8:00, 11:00; Białowice – 13:00; Biedrzychowice – 9:30; Włostów – 18:00 (sobota).
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